Come celebrate with us on Saturday, june 17th, 2023 for our 20th Anual Wing-Off!
Hello fellow Wing Lovers,
It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to cancel the Wing-Off again this year.
This gives all of you COOKS another year to perfect those wing recipes. And, for all of you attendees, please mark your calendars for Saturday, JUNE 17th, 2023 for a bigger, badder, and amazing Wing-Off! When this pandemic is finally behind us
(hopefully sooner than later) it will be time to unleash the party!!
The Wing-Off committee had another long and lively discussion about whether or not to have the event in light of all that is happening in the world today, and the decision was clear. We will cancel this year's event again until we can safely open the event without the worry and stress of ensuring social distancing, masks, etc.
The Meridian Kiwanis will
continue to support their youth programs this year and for years to come. And, we didn't feel it was prudent to spend the monies
to hold the event when there is still so much uncertainty around who would be able to attend or want to engage in events like ours in the coming months. This event not only needs ample cooks, but also ample attendees to come out ahead. Potentially losing money on the event only negates what we can spend on our youth programs and donations.
Also, we want to make sure that first and foremost we are being socially responsible with you and your family's health. It's not worth it to us to selfishly put you, our volunteers, or our cooks in any type of risky situation.
This may be over by then, and we just can't be sure.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to high-fiving all of you next year! (If that's allowed, of course).
The youth of Meridian appreciate your past participation!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive.
The Hollingshead brothers (Curtis, Brett, Jason) and sister (Kelly (H4))
and the Meridian Kiwanis Club
A big "Thank You" to our Front Line Workers, and Military personnel
Let's crush the curve and hope to see you next Summer!!